Tariffe biglietti - Arriva Veneto - Staging
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Our fare zones

The fares for travel tickets are defined on the basis of the number of fare zones crossed between the place of origin and the place of destination, as specified in the abacus below.

The fare route between two locations is obtained by crossing the departure location with the arrival location.

For example: Venice – Chioggia = 9 = fares for section 9 (single journey € 6.40)


Travel tickets

The following table shows the prices of valid travel tickets by reference route:

(1) Valid every day of the month; it is purchased up to the 19th day of the same month and the cost is not divisible; from day 20, you will only be able to purchase the subscription for the following month;

(2) Valid every day from 1 September to 31 August of the following year; is on sale from August 20 and the cost is not divisible.

(3) It is valid for 12 consecutive months from the first day of the month of effect until the last day of the 12th month, even if in the following calendar year.

The following table defines the time validity of the tickets currently in force:

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