Disabilità - Arriva Veneto - Staging
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Accessibility to the service for customers with disabilities and reduced mobility

Arriva Veneto is available to customers with disabilities and reduced mobility, providing the necessary information and assistance for the best planning of the trip, occasional or daily, and facilitating accessibility to buses and stops.

Customers with disabilities and reduced mobility are invited to contact the Company:
– by e-mail to info.arrivaveneto@arrivastaging.it
– by phone at +39 334 604 5276

Once on board, customers with mobility impairments in wheelchairs must park in the specially equipped space inside the buses.

The wheelchair must be positioned in the opposite direction to the vehicle’s travel, leaning with the backrest against the support wall (or in the absence of such support tied to the vehicle with the appropriate locking devices) and with the brakes locked.

For safety reasons, if the area equipped for the transport of people with motor disabilities in wheelchairs is already occupied by a passenger with a similar disability, it is not possible to allow another passenger using a wheelchair on board.

Information for travelers with reduced mobility

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